Is There Freedom
Every where I turn, I feel as if I am trapped
All I want is the actual freedom of choice
Our choices always seemed influenced
By friends, family, right and wrong
As if our destiny is shaped by everything except our choice
There are those among us that say we decide our own destiny
But do we
The way we are brought up, taught, loved, even disciplined
All of these and more make us chose a certain direction or path
They have all set our moral compasses to a general direction
It’s funny because I can look around
We are even taking that freedom away from the wild creatures
We build and build taking away their habitat
Forcing man’s will onto all around us both man and beast
We either do it mentally or physically
Is there really a free choice left?
Or are we all preprogramed
To just follow a path
Little variations but all in the same general direction
Where did freedom go
Do we really have a choice anymore?
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