
Then or Now   Two people meet one day Never knowing or guessing they had met years before The time was wrong then So they just passed each like two trains in the night Never knowing it was not by accident but by design When finally into the others eyes they gazed one day again A love blossom's that had an energy that was unfathomable That energy was released from that love and it saved two souls that day As the souls united the angels cried For once more all the fighting and lose in those two lives united into the truth Love does exist and with it all is possible.
  To Exist   The Butterfly floats thru life experiencing all of life's beauty Fluttering from flower to flower drinking in all that life offers Delicate and aloof to all that is around it Spreading joy thru the shear beauty of its existing   The Spider crawls among the dark spaces of our life Creating such beauty and intricate designs beyond belief In the spinning of his deadly webs Waiting for lunch to come stumbling in   Both have lives on the opposite edge of the spectrum Both draw us in with their beauty To exist you must live as both entities do Drawing people in with the beauty of your soul Never hold back from allowing someone to see your beauty Whether it is delicate and aloof or intricate and deadly
  There Comes a Day   On a day either near or far There will come a time when love will be tested On that day, will you rise, or will you fall   To rise you must give your heart to another Trust them to hold it and not break it Allow them to show you how to make love blossom Becoming a space that is safe from all hurt and pain   If you refuse your heart to another you will fall Desperation and anxiety will slowly eat you away All trust will be broken for ever and a day You will die a slow death of self loathing   Which will you pick when there comes a day
  The Darkness Has Come   You were my sun and my moon The star that forever guided me Without you my path has grown dim   Your companionship and love comforted me It gave me the strength to fight the darkness Without you I become nothing Just a shadow being consumed in the dark   The darkness consumes everything Slowly I give into it and fade to nothing An ember is all that's left of a roaring fire Slowly so slowly the darkness wins
  Somebody & Nobody Your life isn't over although his light dims Your chaos and confusion are his family and dreams You have been together forever but never quite touching Lived parallel lines never crossing but connecting They are one when together but lost when apart Meant to be but seem forever adrift Life’s cruel reality comes with a twist Dreams come true but tear lives asunder Somebody and nobody are actually someone
Secrets   Secrets kept in the darkness of night Tear at the the two young lovers The truth may destroy them on this night But secrecy burns deep into their souls Should a word be spoken, or would it ignite? The devil’s fires that burn so bright Instead quietness prevails Causing the devil's fires to smolder on Till the death of young love The beating heart all but quiet
  Pretend Is this all life is any more People that we have met once or never met at all But they are friends Something that we wished we were or might possibly be Because otherwise our life is really just so mundane We all wear masks to hide behind all happy and cheerful So no one can possibly guess how really bad off we are We hide behind our purchases and things Because they make us seem successful We have huge online personalities Because we have actually forgotten how to be a person We befriend and interact with people seemingly so casual Knowing we will not have to ever really speak to them again Someday all of this charade will actually crumble Maybe just maybe then we won't have to pretend